Why Cannot Day? What Cannot Night?
Insensible day dawns blind, Seeing but with eyes, Reducing the infinite to only. Transcendent grace, Made vulgar by this sun, Shuns the...

Maundy Thursday
Tonight I will not sleep. Tonight is for cruelty and pain, Politicians and hypocrites, The machine of hate at its unfeeling worst....

Mourning Cain
Oh my son, my happiness, What have you done? You the eldest, The first to be born of all the Earth, The first of human getting, Never...

Last night as I lay in my lover’s arms, I saw the bones of our ancestors, A dusty sea, vast and sacred, Surrounding the naked platform...

A Leap of Faith
This website marks a major life shift for me. I have been living and working in Western Mass for the last eighteen years, and just a...

Ezekiel's Lost Call
Our bones are dry. They grow brittle and break. Arid winds blow through us, Forbidding love, Stripping us of our very flesh, Leaving us...

What Is It To Be Beloved?
“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, For he shields him all day long, And the one the Lord loves rests between his...

A Few of Us Gathered
A few of us gathered. We could not do otherwise. As the darkness fell, And the rain threatened, And the cold wind chilled our very bones,...

Our Tombs Are Empty
Our tombs are empty. Our ancestors find no rest in them. There is no holy ground, To hold their bones bound to eternity, In peaceful...