The Rooted Ones
Grandmother Birch I face her And touch her gently wrinkled skin. She holds a space for me Calling me in To hear her silence. She reminds...

The Origin of the Family
Respectable Able, Slain by Cain. Family values at its best.

The Rain Is Over
The rain is over, Just drops now, Off the lush summer trees, warm and in their prime, Wet grass, A new crop of small mushrooms bubbling...

Peace, Be still
I dreamed I was a servant to a distant master whose sons took great delight in my humiliation, Small humiliations, and daily, Not enough...

“And when you are desirous to be blest, I’ll blessing beg of you.” Hamlet III: 4 There once was a priest who loved God very much. The way...

The attic is my home. There I have a well furnished bed, Where I sleep safely, Surrounded by all that is too good to throw away, But is...

I Am the Image of God
I am the image of God, The image, the likeness, the representation. I am God’s passport photo, And the picture on God’s driver’s license....

A Casual Feather
A casual feather fell, Unnoticed, from above. It fell on the edge of my sight, And its silent descent I almost missed. From Heaven it...

Love Is Never Wasted
The one I loved has proven false. Only stranger do I know him now. My heart wide opened, Naught withheld, I poured out as libation,...

The stream is silent That once with joyful babble Filled the brooding forest. Her song, Full sung, Is ended. Her crystal dance Is...