
Based on Romans 8 and Psalm 139
Who is it that condemns us, and who would see our destruction?
Shall narrow -minded preachers, or self-righteous religious zealots,
Or conservative lawmakers, or unjust judges, or brutal police officers
Convince us that we are unworthy?
What charges do they lay on us, and wherein do they find us guilty?
Is it the color of our skin, or our economic status?
Is it the religion we practice, or the religion we don’t practice?
Is it that our bodies don’t conform to their ideals,
Or that our love makes them uncomfortable,
Or that we don’t blithely submit to their authority?
Are these the crimes for which they persecute us daily and assign us to Hell?
Can these separate us from the love of God or make us unworthy of love?
We are persuaded that neither rejection by our families, nor two-faced friends,
Nor thoughtless neighbors, nor hate-filled co-workers,
Nor being single, nor being divorced, nor being lonely
Can define us as unlovable.
We are persuaded that neither unjust laws, nor biased public policy,
Nor hateful tirades from pulpits, nor bullies with bullhorns,
Nor ignorance, nor silence, nor invisibility
Can separate us from our connection to the divine.
For we are fearfully and wonderfully made,
Whether by the hand of God, or countless generations of ancestors.
We are fully human and imbued with the divine spark of life,
Curiously wrought in the depths, and encompassed even in our incompleteness.
We are the image of God, and in us the love of God can be seen clearly.
And even though they lock us away, or commit us to institutions,
Or drive us from our homes, or fire us from jour jobs,
Or shower us with bullets at night clubs,
Or allow us to die from deadly diseases,
Or find any number of ways to grind us into the dust,
We will find color and light in the darkness,
We will sing together,
We will march together,
We will protest, and preach, and live lives filled with joy and love,
And, even in the face of fear and despite the hypocritical calls for false humility,
We will be proud of who we are.